Conditions of the Nose and Sinus that are treated at ENT Specialist Centre include chronic or acute sinusitis, allergy, deviated septum, loss of smell, blocked nose and runny nose.
A blocked nose is most commonly caused by a physical obstruction by the cartilage and/or bone deviating into the nasal air passages which causes a blockage. Adenoids at the back of the nose may also cause a blockage.
Nasal allergies and nasal polyps can also cause swellings of the nasal linings leading to blockage. Less commonly, tumours and growths within the nose may be the cause of a nasal blockage.
A runny nose is excess nasal drainage and may be a thin clear fluid, thick mucus or something in between which runs out of your nose or down the back of your throat. This can be frustrating and embarrassing.
The terms ‘rhinorrhea’ and ‘rhinitis’ are often used to describe to a runny nose. Rhinorrhea is thin, mostly clear nasal discharge and Rhinitis refers to the inflammation of nasal tissues which often results in a runny nose.
Among children (and some adults) a nose bleed is often related to a simple trauma to the front of the nose where there are delicate blood vessels that are easily ruptured. High blood pressure and inherited bleeding problems can also contribute to nose bleeds and in rare cases, it can be an indication of a serious problem such as cancer or other growth in the nose.
Most nose bleeds can be controlled easily with pressure and other measures. However, large, recurrent and difficult-to-stop nose bleeds can be quite serious.
Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance ie. pollen, dust, cat hair. Your immune system makes antibodies that identify a particular allergen as harmful, even though it isn’t so when you come into contact with the allergen, your immune system’s reaction can inflame your sinuses or airways.
Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as Hayfever, can cause sneezing, itching of the nose, eyes or roof of the mouth, runny, stuffy nose and watery, red or swollen eyes (conjunctivitis).
While most allergies can’t be cured, treatments can help relieve allergy symptoms.
Chronic sinusitis and acute sinusitis have similar signs and symptoms, but acute sinusitis is a temporary infection of the sinuses often associated with a cold. The signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis last at least 12 weeks, but you may have several episodes of acute sinusitis before developing chronic sinusitis.
A stuffy nose from the common cold, a nasal blockage, inflammation, nerve damage, ageing or a brain function condition can affect your ability to smell normally.
A deviated septum occurs when your nasal septum, the thin wall that separates the right and left nasal passages, is displaced to one side.
Some are born with a deviated septum, however, most commonly they are caused by an injury that moves your nasal septum out of place.
A deviated septum can cause nasal blockage (obstruction) which can lead to dry mouth, feeling of congestion or disturbed sleep and sometimes may require nose and sinus surgery.